Presidency School


By evaluating your child’s progress, we are testing our own abilities
A student’s performance in tests is a reflection of our own capability as a school. By assessing a student’s application to his/her work on a day-to-day basis, we periodically keep a check on how our methods are faring and necessitate improvements or changes immediately.Other modes of assessments help us determine the capabilities of every child, so that we can personalize our teaching to better suit their needs. A student’s power of comprehension and assimilation is then assessed through appraisals, class tests, semester examinations and project work. A student’s progress in academic and other allied activities is also assessed and progress reports are sent to the parents periodically. Parents are requested to sign the report after going through it carefully.

No tests or examinations are conducted for Kindergarten( Pre K, K1 and K2)

At this level, assessment is an ongoing part of everyday activity. Students are assessed on the basis of their worksheets/ appraisals carried out in class, based on the themes followed.

The learners of Grades 1 and 2 are periodically assessed through formative assessment parameters. At the same time they also consolidate their learning achievements at the Semester Closure Assessments ,twice in a year.( add this)

Parents can track their child’s progress through the child’s performance documented in the Student Portfolios as worksheets . These worksheets are carefully curated bearing in mind, Specific Learning Outcomes aligned with the Learning Objectives of every concept.

Students of grade III and above have Unit Assessments as well as Semester Exams . Excah Assessment culminates with a Parent teacher Conference where student performance, gaps in learning are discussed with the parent and specific support classes are planned to help the student keep pace.

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