Presidency School

Independence Day Celebration 2016

Independence Day Celebration 2016
The 70th Independence Day was celebrated by Presidency School, R.T.Nagar with great zeal and patriotism. The celebration began with a guard of honour by NCC wing of the school. The flag was hoisted by Principal Mrs.Indira Kothaneth followed by the singing of the National Anthem. An invocation dance invoking the blessings of the lord was presented praying for the safety and welfare of free India. School choir presented a melodious adaptation of Vande Mantaram song. Principal Mrs.Indira Kothaneth addressed the students on the occasion. She paid rich tributes to the martyrs, great heroes of freedom struggle Pandit Nehru, Father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi and Subhash Chandra Bose. Special homage was paid to our soldiers at the borders dedicating their lives and securing the nation. She advised the children to cultivate the habit of respecting parents, nurture discipline in every walk of life and strive together to liberate their entire country from the curse of poverty. She advised the gathering to give back to the society, wipe tears from every eye and not forget humanity.
The students staged mesmerizing plays depicting national integration, women empowerment etc.. They also had dances on patriotic numbers which evoked strong feelings of patriotism. Students pledged to serve their society by spreading message of service to the less fortunate, and assured to do their best to restore the glory of India, uphold discipline, determination and remain loyal in every endeavour.
The highlight of the programme was that Senior Citizens from Sumangali Ashram, Hebbal were our guests of honour. They were gifted toiletries by Prep 2 students and each one of them was given a Shawl by the Principal. We were happy that we could bring some joy to those less fortunate citizens of the Old Age Home. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by the school captain, Akshay Koshy of grade X

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