Presidency University Hosts ‘INVINCIA 2022’
Bangalore’s biggest cultural fest held in the city on 27th and 28th May
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
INVINCIA 2022, the biggest Cultural Fest of Bangalore was organised by Presidency University on 27th-28th May 2022. The grand endeavour was a result of the concerted efforts of the entire team of the Department of Student Affairs under the guidance of the Hon’ble Chancellor Mr. Nissar Ahmed and the Vice President, Mr. Salman Ahmed.
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Smt. Ashwini Puneeth Kumar, Producer (PRK Productions & PRK Audio) and alumni of Presidency School, RT Nagar, graced the inaugural function and declared the fest open. A special tribute was paid to the Legendary Actor LateDr. Puneeth Rajkumar, whose memories are still cherished and celebrated. The ceremony was attended by all the key officials, staff and students of the University.
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INVINCIA2022 was a culmination of 50+ Group & Individual events, nurturing talents PAN India, with a student registration from over 90 different colleges and universities, more than 2100 external student participation and a mammoth crowd of 20000+ Students. Divine x Gully Gang headlined Day 1 with a spectacular performance. Various artists like Khanzaadi, Loud-silence, Jubilman and others set the mood for the entry of Divine (Gully Gang) Day 2 was inaugurated by Mr. Javed Ali and marked the start of a huge variety of competitions in the genres of dance, dramatics, music, and fine arts. EMCTruth and Arjun (DJ Quake) opened the show for the mesmerizing, talented singer Ananya Birla, followed by DJ Dr. A, which left the crowd enthralled.
Chancellor, Mrs. Kauser Nissar presented the Overall Championship of Invincia’22 Award to St. Josephs College, Bangalore while the Runner Up Trophy went to Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore. More than 20,000 students from across 90 colleges PAN India attended the two-day festivities of INVINCIA 2022.
Commenting on the event, Salman Ahmed, Vice President of Presidency University Bangalore said, “I congratulate the Department of Student Affairs, who with their talent, hard work, passion and imagination, created this magical event. This platform provided them the opportunity to bring out their latent talents and transform their skills into execution, giving them more confidence. We feel proud of our students for having pulled off such a spectacular event. We are excited that our aim of holding the biggest cultural fest in Bangalore, was realised in this overwhelming BLOCKBUSTER response.”
Independence Day Celebrations
Presidency School RT Nagar celebrated the Diamond Jubilee Year of the Indian Independence with a patriotic fervour, as always!
The National Flag was hoisted in the School campus by the Principal and the Team of Senior Teachers. The Theme for this big day was ‘Nation First, Always First !’.
With the Tricolor being unfurled, the National Anthem was followed by a medley of Patriotic songs that was rendered by the School Team, in the true spirit of patriotic Indians.
The Principal in her address to the assemblage brought in the comparison of the present conditions with the Pre- Independence Day, as we battle now with an invisible , yet powerful enemy- the corona virus and its variants. It is upto every responsible citizen to build up a foolproof defense mechanism to fight this Virus. Our armor should comprise 100% vaccination, social distancing, sanitizing and of course wearing masks. We look forward to the day when, we once again relive the days of real freedom and the school gates open to the children making a bee-line to their classes.
The Virtual event had a plethora of events ranging from patriotic songs, dance
performances, speeches and not to forget the amazing parade of the
The Chief Guest for the virtual event was Col PL Jayram who was commissioned into the Indian Army on 26 Aug 1989 and has served in various operational, staff and instructional appointments. For his conspicuous acts of bravery on three occasions, the officer was awarded the Chief of Army Staff’s Commendation twice and the Eastern Army Commanders Commendation.
Colonel Jayram, spoke to the young citizens from the entrance of Mizoram, 3000 kms away from Bangalore, urging students to pay respects to the armed forces and civilians who showed bravado during trying times.
(Excerpts from the Colonel’s address)-We must move from being good to better, better to best and best to perfect. Persevere, have a die -hard attitude towards the Nation- Put your Nation first, your countrymen second and your own self last! You will rise! Be a part of the National Services- enroll in the Armed Forces, there are multifarious opportunities open, to serve our Motherland. Freedom in mind, Faith in our heart, Memories in our souls.
Let’s salute the Nation , Today and Always!
On behalf of the Management and Staff of Presidency School, RT Nagar, we wish all of you a very Happy Independence Day!
Jai Hind!
Mom and Me Activity
Presidency School RT Nagar hosted its ‘Mom and Me’ event with the invitation extended to Grandmoms too.
We believe that Quality time is vital to parent-child relationships and there is a need to create an occasion – which meant rolling out ‘mommy & me’ activities.
Its rightly said that to a child, love is spelled T-I-M-E. This succinctly states the importance of spending quality time, despite the pandemic enforced togetherness.
Our aim was to create a moment where the duo spent time together to enhance their connection and deposit in the love and memory banks of the children.
Every recall must be of precious moments spent with parents. We wanted to satiate the craving of the little ones for alone time with their parents and through this activity, there was absolutely no need for our kids to clamor for attention all at once.
Students of Grades 1 and 2 were super excited to have their mums come on camera and do loads of activities (unlike the hidden presence during online classes). A kiss, a hug, a cheer and a tear- the Teams Channel saw a surfeit of emotions pervading the scene.
Moms and kids twinned, while some moms were draped in the finery of their moms- the superwomen from whom they derived strength. There was a plethora of talents showcased by the moms and their little kids. This parental talent fest was a cynosure of all eyes. Activities like the Selfie Challenge, Jewellery Making, Crown making (each announcing them the undisputed Mum- Child duo), Treasure hunt and Putting on canvas- their dream vacation.. the list was endless!
Some mums who could not be a part of the event due to ‘work –calling flag’ had sent out ‘Video messages to their children’ and surprised the little ones who would have felt a tad lost, otherwise! The event concluded with a note of appreciation and thanks to parents and students by the COD, Ms Sudha Kalyani. Like we always say- at Presidency, we create memories that last a life time- the rest falls into place, and life happens!
Cabinet Investiture 2021-22
Presidency school, RT Nagar, recently installed its new Office bearers to the school cabinet in a virtual ceremony. The School Theme for this year is –Lead – Like never before!
Ms Varsha R S alumnus of our School , National Rank Holder in CS Exams was the Chief Guest for the day. The formal ceremony began with an All Faith prayer followed by the lighting of the auspicious lamp. The School flag was hoisted by our Senior faculty Mr. Chandrashekar while the House Teachers marched in with the House Flags.
The Leaders pledged their Oath to office after the formal flag handing over ceremony !
The School Captains Parvathy and Abhinanad Biju welcomed the newly elected Vice- Captains – Jhanavi Bai and Harmaan Bhogal, reiterating the duties and allegiance that they owe to the School and the Office entrusted in their care.
These students were elected through a democratic process that was conducted online. The run- up process included – Filing of nominations, Campaign on Virtual Conferencing Videos, Rooting for the candidates, Panel interviews , the Virtual elections and the Announcement of winners.
These leaders have pledged their oath to office and have placed their signature on their Portfolio, assuring their solidarity and commitment to lead like never before.
We wish them nothing but the best, always!
Amazing Puppet Theatre Activity
The little K1 tots of Presidency School, RT Nagar were introduced to the enchanting world of imagination and creativity through a unique ‘Fun Duo Puppet Craft’ activity.
This activity introduced the children to the art of making different puppets. The students were all ready with colourful materials such as chart paper, origami papers, socks, ice cream sticks, strings etc and what was exciting was that the duo/ trio of Parents and the tots became a part of this event. With Parents alongside and their teachers to guide , creativity flowed in abundance.. As all hands and eyes were engrossed in the activity, we had a surfeit of Talking Puppets, Stick Puppets, String Puppets, Bottle Puppets who all became members of our and Puppet Theatre . These Puppets will now be playmates, talking partners during the course of our teaching – learning process. The Puppet Theatre will enable our little tots to present different kinds of Puppet, actively make their presence felt in group participation, Boost confidence in speaking & communication, Improve motor skills, Stimulate imagination and of course give a fillip to Language development
Environment Day Celebration
On the eve of World Environment Day on 5th June 2021, Presidency School RT Nagar wlecomes parents and students to the first event of Academic Year 2021-22.
With Ecosystem Restoration being the focal point we saw overwhelming participation as parents uploaded videos, pictures, made bird feeders, carved out vegetables and much more as they did their bit to spread awareness. What a fantastic way to beat the pandemic and say we truly care! The right beginning for a new Academic Year!
Kindergarten – Graduation Day
Kindergarten Graduation is a celebration that marks the journey of a child to a school where they will be spending the next 10 years, facing ups and downs, experimenting and exploring new ideas and shaping themselves into tomorrow’s leaders.At Presidency, Kindergarten, R.T. Nagar we celebrated Graduation Day virtually on 26th March 2021. The program started with a welcome speech followed by the school prayer. We also had the ceremonial lighting of the lamp by our Senior School Coordinator Madhavi Latha, KG COD Sofiya Jagdish and the entire team of KG teachers. Our Principal Ms Asha Micah addressed the children congratulating them, while Navika from K2D, rendered a graceful invocation dance. Our K.G. teachers blessed the children with the rendition of “Showers of Blessings” while the children sang melodiously to the tune ‘The future’s looking good to me’ smartly dressed in their graduation attire.
Very special messages for every child was read out by the teacher, thereby giving it a personalized touch. As per the theme ‘Blossom’, these little blossoms dressed and posed in yellow and white. The little ‘graduates’ adorning Graduation caps and holding their scrolls in hand, showed us what a confident Kinder-Graduate of Presidency looked like!
They thanked the teachers for all their efforts and love shown to them. The Day was indeed a memorable and emotional one for both the teachers and children. Parents also expressed utmost pride and happiness on this special event.
Yoga Competition

An Intra-school Yoga competition for students of Grades 6 & 7 was held on 7th September 2020 at Presidency School, R.T. Nagar. The criteria for judgement were Flexibility, Good balance & Posture.Winners of Grade 6 were Keerthana S (1), Hafsa Iqbal (2), Pranamya (3) & Adithya Raghunath (1), Md. Shafeeq (2). Winners in Grade 7 were Gauri Vijay (1), Ishika Raj (2), Farha Rasheed (3), Ariba Abi (4) & Pratham Kamath (1), Syed Rehan (2),Arjun Kumar (3).
Independence Day Celebration

The National Flag was unfurled at the school campus maintaining all social distancing and safety guidelines. Ms Azeeza Easa, Coordinator – Office of the Director PGI was the Guest of Honour for the day. The Chief Guests were Major Anup Kulkarni( alumna Presidency School RT Nagar) currently serving in the Indian Army and Ms Snigdha Jha Sub Lieutenant in the Indian Navy who encouraged and motivated the assemblage to be a part of the armed forces.
A series of events that were showcased virtually for all parents and students from Pre K to Grade 10. These comprised of Fancy Dress, fiery speeches, emotional stories of unsung heroes , tributes to the warriors- soldiers, medical staff, pourkarmikas, teachers and not forgetting our dear own parents and students who have bravely fought the odds that life has thrown at them!
Pick and Speak Competition

A Fish Bowl activity – Pick and Speak was organized for students of Grade 10 & 9. Two finalists from each of the houses were vying for the title .With preparation time of 30 seconds on the topic picked and no predetermination or preparation , the finalists spoke for 2 minutes on it. The topics were, What changes did the European explorers bring the world, Is Industrial Revolution good or bad? Is Equality a myth, Does What is right or wrong change from generation to generation, Child Labour , Should voting be made compulsory , World peace, Should government tax sugary drinks and use the revenue for public health, Is nuclear disarmament possible?Intense aren’t they but our students left no stone unturned to bring out the facts and leave the judges enthralled both by the depth of the content that were humorous and profound . The interpretation of the prompt was basically to establish an argument/thesis on their belief about the topic/ prompt. Our confident speakers offered a clear and defined structure in their speech.
Special Assembly:Krishna Janmashtami-Kindergarten

The birthday of Lord Krishna, one of the most powerful incarnations of Vishnu is celebrated as Janmashtami. The students of Kindergarten of Presidency School R T Nagar celebrated this festival virtually and dressed up in their ethnic best pretending to be little Radhas and Krishnas.
THE VIRTUAL INVESTITURE CEREMONY- Here we are again! Empowered!
Though the entire world’s momentum is curbed by lockdowns, the schools kept going on with energy raring! Presidency School RT Nagar proudly put up its newly elected cabinet members and prefectorial body on a virtual platform as they were pledged to office.The run up to the elections was no less a bustle than a real election set up! Nominations were filed, contestants e -canvassed, Virtual polling followed by panel interviews and of course the announcement of the winners.The Chief Guest Trishala A, our ex- student connected with us from France and addressed the young cabinet. For the first time ever, it was ensured that all students who contested in the elections are given a berth and a portfolio in the Prefectorial Body.Invocation song by the choir sung from the safety of their homes. Hoisting of the school and house flags, Oath ceremony, Virtual Sashing and Badging were all adhered to as per the solemnity of the occasion !
“YOGA FOR HEALTH – YOGA AT HOME “-21st June 2020

The universal appeal of Yoga made United Nations proclaim 21st June as International Yoga Day. The theme this year was “YOGA FOR HEALTH – YOGA AT HOME ” which was very appropriate as we reel under the Corona Virus outbreak, spending a lot of time indoors.
Presidency School RT Nagar organised online yoga sessions for students and parents weeks before International Yoga Day. Our Yoga instructor Ms. Sunitha trained students and their parents so that all could perform yoga together on the big day.
On 21st June, the celebration began at 8 a.m. and all parents were raring to go! It as extremely satisfying to see the students their parents and even the grandparents participating enthusiastically!
Parent Orientation Programme – 8th June, 2019

“A parent is a teacher at home and a teacher is a parent in school and the child is the centre of our universe.”The Orientation Programme for Grades I – IV was conducted on 8th June, 2019 at Presidency School, RT Nagar, Bangalore.
The parents were given an insight into what to expect in the coming year .The aim was to familiarize the parents, “as partners in progress” with the curriculum, rules and regulations of the school, teaching methodologies and the co-scholastic activities. Strong emphasis was laid on promoting a healthy lifestyle and avoiding “Plastics” and “junk food”.
The highlights of the program included
- Working together to make the child comfortable and happy!
- Providing an atmosphere to promote holistic growth of children.
- Creating a strong Parent- School bonding.