Presidency School, RTNagar installed the newly elected Office bearers to the School Cabinet at its Investiture Ceremony themed: We B4 Me!
The NCC cadets presented the guard of honour to the dignitaries who marched to the Flag Post to hoist the School Flag..
The auspicious lamp was lit by the Senior teachers and House Mistresses while the choir rendered the ever soothing’ Ibadat Karo.’
Our Student Council is a representative structure through which students in a post-primary school become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management and staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.
Presidency School RT Nagar has an effective prefectorial system that empowers students to develop appropriate skills, attitudes and values.
These have been chosen through a democratic and intensive process involving nominations and a series of interviews with the Panel comprising the Head of School and senior teachers and Ex Cabinet Seniors
There was an aura of expectancy as the beaming faces of the selected student council members marched into the gathering.The elated cabinet members were adorned with their badges, sashes and took charge of the respective flags with pride and elan.
They pledged their oath to office with an assurance to deliver their duties promptly thus striving to impact the school community positively. These young leaders have taken the onus on to themselves not only guide but also inspire others to make a difference with their strategic planning, problem-solving, organisational and communication skills
The Investiture ceremony signifies the reliance and confidence that the school relegates in the newly invested office bearers. Donning the mantle of accountability, they also pledge to bestow their duties to the best of their abilities.
the students will now be wielding leadership in different cores. the school cabinet elect exuded the statement boldly that Its Never too Early or Too Late to be a Leader
The Principal in her address drove the message across the need to take collective responsibility and be impartial and honest in discharging their dutieswith godly wisdom.
The ceremony also saw the Felicitation of Tanuja our student who made it to the State Throwball Team which now is the National Champion.
The Head Boy and Head Girl spoke of their strategy and plan for the days ahead after having reiterated the reason why the Cabinet was there in the first place.This opportunity has given them the wingsso that the young leaders could harness the ropes of leadership, imbibe self discipline and the appropriate ethos .The function concluded with the formal Vote of Thanks and then the National Anthem!