Presidency School

International Yoga Day

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Presidency School, RT NAGAR celebrated the International Yoga Day on 21st June 2022 with much fervour and enthusiasm. The assembly and celebration depicted the innumerable benefits of Yoga.

Since the theme for the year is “……………………………….”,  students joined the session with an enthusiasm for all to see. The exhilaration of the children across  grades was palpable on screen as they geared up to celebrate the International Day of Yoga 2022. The celebration was nevertheless exciting because of its novelty.

They all had a colour code to follow and parents were all hands on deck. The boundless peace of doing the Asanas was amply visible on all the calm the faces on screen. Children performed Surya Namaskar, Vrikshasana, Gomukasana, Balloon breathing technique, Proper breathing technique with Adhi Mudra.

The nature of yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest area and that was exactly what was presented. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; self-discipline and accomplishment; concord between man and nature; a holistic approach to vigor and welfare. It is not about exercise but to ascertain the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, we aim at well being of all.

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