Presidency School

Teacher’s Day

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The Teacher’s Day celebration in PSRTN, for the year 2022, was a three-day long celebration. The prelude to the grand celebration saw students putting up lovely shows and engaging the teachers in games and fun activities on the 1st and 2nd of September, for  the K-5th grade educators  and 6th-10th grade educators respectively. On the 5th of September, it was the student governance day, with the senior students stepping into the shoes of the  Principal, the teachers and Administrative Office not to forget the Front Office. s. This teacher’s day for the first time witnessed the ex-students collaborating by pitching in as student-teachers

The afternoon session started with a bang with the teachers’ participating in a cultural programme where the musical talents of teachers were showcased, including a unique ramp walk by the non-teaching staff.  This was immediately followed by the teachers hitting the dance floor and letting their hair down. After a sumptuous luncheon , the teachers gathered to witness the highlight of the day. It was a ceremony to honour the dedication, sincerity, commitment and unending love of the fourteen long serving teachers, who have shaped and moulded students for anywhere between 20 to 40 odd years at the same Organisation. Each of them was identified as The Stalwart and was felicitated with a tiara, sash that displayed Stalwart, a certificate of honour and a special gift. This ceremony was also inspirational for every member of PSRTN to aspire for the best.

And of course, PGI never lets anyone go without a reward. Every member of the teaching and the non-teaching fraternity in PSRTN was gifted with gift vouchers as a token of appreciation for their perseverance to help the students to ‘Gain More Knowledge: Reach Greater Heights’.

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