Presidency School

Theme Culmination – Grades 1 and 2

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Theme Culmination is an approach to present knowledge that has been learnt . In order to present the concepts learnt in the first Semester, “It’s Time to shine’ was the theme for this year. The students showcased the surge of confidence and mastery imbibed through the semester.

The theme culmination began with an introduction speech followed by an invocation dance. Each child was a part of the Theme Culmination and true to our belief ‘no child was left behind’. All Students were actively involved in the  actual showcase of learning.

The children lit up the platform with beautiful displays of projects that they had been working on through the semester. They radiated a glee of excitement as they shared their accomplishments with friends. A Lot of creativity and learning became the focal point of these presentations.

LAR, Math, EVS, Kannada and Hindi- all formed a part of this gala as presentations, speeches, dances took centre stage. This is the new generation of students highlighting their talent, as well as appreciating others!

All the parents and the staff of Presidency School applauded the students for the hard work they had put in to make this day memorable

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