Presidency School

World Environment Day

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Presidency School RT Nagar hosted a thematic series of assemblies that focussed on all aspects of the environment. The idea behind this was to highlight the depletion and degradation of the various components of the environment. Every day at Presidency is an Environment Day as all our Eco- Warriors are sensitised to this dire need- whether it is saving water, growing plants or switching off fans, lights when stepping out of the classrooms. The very special assemblies were to reiterate the significance of saving the undeniably degrading health of the environment .

From Soil Conservation to Save Water, the School Assemblies ran on the clarion call that We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. Essentially, all life depends upon soil and water …there can be no life without soil and no soil without water. Soil and water have evolved together.

The Environment Day program Themed Only 1 Planet spoke of the planet as a cosmic oasis, cosmic blue pearl- the most beautiful planet in the universe, where all the continents and the oceans of the world are united; we stand as species of one earth. The wonderfuldance drama put up by our dance troupewas an insight into the multiverse wherein onedimension humans enslaved  nature and in another dimension a  balance was struck between  humans and nature as they  co-existed in harmony. The third dimension left all introspecting on what the future might look like when both humans and nature stop!The choir rendered the beautiful `Count on Trees` and ‘Save the World’ which was a ray of hope in the otherwise bleak future. The Principal passed on the baton of responsibility to the students and asked her Eco-Warriors to go out there, wear their invisible capes and save the world!

On closing, the Green Pledge was administered, and students promised their allegiance to it. The day saw a flurry of activities as the students of grades 1 and 2 having learnt of the magnitude of the environmental crisis and the inevitable disasters took up banner making and campaigning with their might! The enthusiasts of grades 3-5 used their artistic and clever minds to construct a wide range of objects and models by recycling old materials such as used plastic bottles, ice cream sticks, newspapers, used gift wrappers, paper plates, pistachio shells and many more such materials that are eco-friendly.

The students of grades 6 to 10  made bird feeders !This  is very essential as the decreasing population of birds are facing food scarcity especially sparrows which used to be the pride of Bangalore . Bird feeders are an attempt to provide a reliable source, secure and plentiful source of food to keep them well-fed and thriving. All of us at Presidency promise to be a part of the Transformative changed to enable cleaner, greener and sustainable living in harmony with nature!

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